5 Ways to Get Back Into School Mode

Returning “Back to school” is arguably the most confusing feeling for students of all ages. On one hand, you are excited to be back in school, see your friends and enjoy all the freedom that comes with being away from home. On the other hand, it’s back to lectures, studying and assignments, mixed feelings right?
Here are some tips to help you get back in the school mood as quickly as possible;
1. Get Back on Your Normal Schedule
Holidays are for fun, lounging and hopping around with friends, but all fun must come to an end. Now that the holidays are over, the first step to take is to get back to your regular school schedule. This means sleeping at your normal time, waking up at your normal time, eating at mealtime, and reducing leisurely activities during the week.
2. Review Your Studies
Time to dust off those notes you tossed in the corner all summer. This would help you familiarise yourself once again with notes from the previous semester. You can also go over class quizzes and assignments, this would go a long way in jogging your memory and get you back into that school frame of mind. If you have friends in your Department, you could even set-up a study session and help each other to get back up to speed.
3. Join/Create a Study Group
In school, one of the most important resources you will have are your friends. Friends make everything more fun Including studying. Find a study group/partner that meets to discuss course materials. If you don’t find any of such groups around you, then create one yourself! Study groups are usually a faster way to retain information and reacquaint with the curriculum.
4. Become Best Friends with Sticky Notes
Forgetful student, meet your new best friend: the Post-it note. Jot down reminders for anything from and laundry (on your closet or dresser) to your so important info is right at your fingertips. Leave them on your desk, dorm room door, alarm clock, notebook, computer… wherever.
5. Prepare!
Do make sure you have everything you need from stationeries to books to class timetables etc. Even if you cannot afford to buy them, get to the library, borrow. Now you are ready to have an amazing school year!