When you take a look at happenings in our Educational institutions, you cannot help but wonder what would happen to the next generation and our evolving future; the future of our nation. Over 90% of graduates are unsure of what path to follow in life after they have completed their 4-7 years course in the university.
Often times when a university graduate is asked “What can you do or what are your capabilities?” most of their reply is, “I can do anything”. With this regular reply you cannot help but wonder what they really studied in school; some graduates do not even have a clue of were to submit their CVs because they do not have a direction. Moreover, some are not even sure of what they learnt from their institutions.
When students/graduates are not sure of what path to follow and where their strength lies, they become open to different things which in turn lead to;
- Misplaced priority
- Zero interest in self-development
- Zero interest in the nation’s development
- Low motivation
- No sense of direction
- Stagnation of a nation’s growth, etc.
What nation would not want a generation that is sure of what they want and the direction they want to follow? If we do not breed intelligent, progress driven and an ethical generation then what does the future of our nation hold?
“The most important thing an institution does is not only to prepare a student for a career but for a life as a citizen.”
— Frank Newman
Education bodies need to go back to the drawing board to restructure our Educational intuitions, discover where the problem lies, and develop strategies to build knowledgeable students.
Some solutions can be put in place so we can breed students/graduates that will help build the nation in their own various ways; because in the end if the people in a nation are not built for progress and direction fundamentally, there is no way a nation can move forward. The aim of education is to enable individuals learn, and the reward of learning is continued capacity for growth.
Our educational institutions can start by getting the following;
- Best of counselors: Those who would not only talk about famous career paths but also guide the students in taking detailed tests to detect where their interest really lies. This will help the student function better and have a full picture of the path to follow in life
- Organizing Eye opening conference: The purpose of this conference is for parents to know the importance of identifying their children’s strength or interest, and the effect of forcing them (the children) to do otherwise.
If educational institutions start infusing the right and practical ideology, there will be improvement which will lead to self-development and the nation in which they dwell will benefit greatly.